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Sharing sunshine (and umbrellas) on a rainy day

April 6, 2022

Sparkling Blackberry Mint Lemonade

Our lemonade is a customer favorite. Turns out, it's also the perfect base for making your own herbal infusions at home.

Bad weather is no match for good deeds

When Team Member Matthew Nunez offered to share his umbrella with Chick-fil-A® restaurant guests one rainy day in El Paso, he sparked something powerful. Matthew saw a sudden downpour coming, grabbed a big red and white umbrella, and personally kept customers dry as they ventured from the parking lot to his store. 

Footage of Matthew jogging alongside customers as they walked into the restaurant went viral, but anyone who’s met Matthew knows that going above and beyond is just what he does. His willingness to risk the rain and make sure his community stayed dry inspired over 300 opportunities for giving in Atlanta and Miami this autumn. 


Passing it on

Following in Matthew’s footsteps, Chick-fil-A, Inc staff handed out packs of two umbrellas to passersby in the two cities for the next time a storm rolled in. Why two umbrellas? So each person could keep one umbrella for him or herself and give the second to someone else to use, whether on that day or in the future.  

“It’s good to give an umbrella on a day like today, because you never know what the next hour has for you,” one umbrella recipient said. “Things that look insignificant to us can change somebody’s day for the better.” 


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