If you are locked out of your account or cannot log into your account, please try the following troubleshooting steps:
- Reset your password. You can view step-by-step instructions for completing this online or on the Chick-fil-A® App here.
- Ensure you are connected to the internet. The Chick-fil-A App will not work properly if you do not have an internet connection.
- Ensure you are on the latest version of the app.
- The Chick-fil-A App must have device information to allow access. Ensure the device is not using a VPN, please switch from Wi-Fi to a cellular connection. From a computer, try checking for any browser extensions that may block traffic that shares device information.
- If you previously used Google to sign-in, please attempt to log in to your Chick-fil-A One account again online or through the app.
- If you are on an Android device, you may need to close all applications, restart the Chick-fil-A App, and then try logging in again.